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Upcoming Events

Below you will find all of the conferences we, Tulip, will be attending. As well as conferences our authorized distributors will be attending. A purple event means we will have a Tulip representative there, and a gold event means our authorized distributor will be there.

Conference Pre-Order Discount!

Save 10% on your order and avoid shipping charges by placing a pre-order for pick up at eligible conferences. Please email our sales team at least 30 days prior to the conference for pre-orders.

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All Day

IMCAS World Congress

Palais des Congrès de Paris Paris

Come see us in Paris!

Contact Us

Phone: 858.270.5900



4360 Morena Blvd, Suite 100
San Diego, CA 92117

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Clinically Proven USA Designed Patented

Schedule a Demo

Tulip team members are available to demonstrate products and to train you and your staff. Learn how to supercharge your microfat injections with TRUE NanoFat and how to use TRUE NanoFat™ for under-eye discoloration, scar revision, and non-surgical facial tightening and brightening.

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Browse Our Product Catalog

Download our current product catalog here.

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